Dear Parents,
Welcome to Summersill Elementary School! The staff and I are anticipating a full year of instruction which will yield great results! Our mission is to provide a positive educational experience that challenges your child to develop to his/her full potential. The staff members at Summersill Elementary are pleased to have you as a partner to assist your child in meeting his/her educational goals. Teamwork with parents, staff and the community are crucial in meeting the educational goals for our children so that they may become life-long learners in a global society. We utilize CharacterStrong as we are a themed elementary school within the Onslow County School System.
We ask for your continued support during the school year and hope you will consider becoming an active member of our PTO and plan to volunteer some time here at school.
The Parent-Student handbook is to provide parents and students with information regarding the daily operation of our school, to include programs, curriculum, and policies. During the school year, you will receive other forms of communication from the school and your child’s classroom teacher. Look for a monthly newsletter from the school and check our website frequently for announcements of upcoming events. For special events, or in cases of emergency, we utilize the Blackboard notification system for making phone calls to our families. Please make sure your contact information remains current throughout the school year so that you can be notified.
We are looking forward to a successful school year. If we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Donna Chadwick